Kindergarten through 2nd Grade Flag Football



 a. BALL SIZE: K2 (Pee Wee) for K, 1st, 2nd 

 b. Mouth Pieces are required. 

 c. Uniforms are not included in registration. Coaches will order with the parents purchase.

 d. Flags should be on players hips and checked frequently by the coach. Cut the belts so that the extra length is not hanging to the side.

e. Teams must wear League issued Flags. 1 game set of flags will be issued by the league. It is recommended to not use them for practices so that they will last for the season. 

 2. Head Coaches/Assistant Coaches 

 a. All coaches must complete a background check and register on MSC website. 

 b. Head Coach and or an Assistant Coach must attend Coaches meeting before Season Starts. 

c. Head Coach must input game scores to Team Sideline after each game. 

 d. Kindergarten and 1st Grade Division may have 2 coaches on the field for offense and defense. 

 e. 2nd Grade may have 1 coach on the field for offense and defense. 

 f. 3rd through 6th may have 1 coach on the field for offense only. g. Once the players break from the huddle, coaches must back out of line of the QB on offense or the Secondary on Defense. 

 3. Teams 

 a. Teams may not have more than 14 players on their roster. 

 b. Teams are based on what grade they are in of that current school year. 

 c. Teams with less than 9 players registered will be required to take players from the Free Agent List unless you are a team outside of McKinney.  

 d. Players may play up a grade level, but they cannot play down. 

 e. Coaches may be asked to verify grade of an athlete if needed. In which the parent of the child will have to provide Commissioner with dated report card and/or enrollment form from athlete’s current school. 

f. All players must play at least ½ the game. All players must play either all the defensive plays for their team or all the offensive plays for their team. Players could also play all the offensive plays in the first half and all defensive plays in the second half. Coaches may limit playing time due to attendance at practice.