We highly encourage you to visit our General Information page for more season details!
Participants must be 5 years old as of September 1st of the football season .
We always do our best to accommodate special request in the following order of priority: a) Cheer coach daughters b) Sibling cheerleaders c) Friend requests d) Age
Every effort is made to put girls on squads of their choice. Sometimes it just isn't possible. The online registration form allows you to make team/coaches requests.
The number of squads and number of cheerleaders per squad/grade will be determined based on; the availability of cheer coaches, and the number of registered cheerleaders.
Uniforms, camp fees, camp t-shirt and registration fees are just some of the things your registration fee pays.
Our uniforms include a shell, skirt, briefs, bow, pink out attire (bow & socks) and poms.
After registration ends in April, the final uniform fitting is held, squad rosters are finalized and distributed, and the final uniform order must be submitted. In order to get the uniforms by end of July they are ordered in mid-May and there are no refunds made after this time.
Practice times and locations will not be determined until registration has ended. Please note that these are at the coach's discretion.
The cheer squads practice once a week on Sundays for 1 hour. The team coaches determines the time and location. Games are on Saturdays and last about 1.5 hour.
Our partner program for tackle football is with TYFL (Texoma Youth Football League). TYFL's plan is to host games in clusters from week to week. For example, TYFL games may be hosted in Prosper, Celina & Mckinney one week and the following week the games maybe located in Melissa, Princeton & Anna then the following week games may be held in Van Alstyne & Sherman. Mckinney Sports Connection will be the host site for 3 out of the 8 games for the season. Please see the Stadium sites tab for addresses.
TYFL schedules 7-8 regular season games and cap the year with a single - elimination playoff for each applicable division. Mckinney Youth Cheer sideline season will run from August - November to include playoffs.
TYFL requires that each host site collect gate fees each game day for those in attendance. No fees are charged to mckinney youth cheerleaders in uniform, or coaches with badges. However there is a standard gate fee of $6 for adults and $3 for students. These gate fees are necessary as the host site is responsible for paying the referees for each game as well as the field rental & operation costs for each game day.
Due to the uniform processing time it is not possible to add cheerleaders to a squad once registration has closed and uniforms have been ordered.
K -1st Grade will vary based on the number of squads and number of football teams per grade.
2nd -6th Grade will cheer for tackle football.
Cheerleaders attending the following school districts are ineligible to register with us and must register with their respective towns: Anna, Bonham, Celina, Denison, Denton, Howe, Melissa, Paris, Princeton, Prosper, Sherman and Van Alstyne. If your child attends a private school or is homeschooled they are allowed to cheer for MYC.
We will offer cheer pictures this season which are not mandatory to purchase but each cheerleader will need to participate since we will be taking team pictures. Picture day will be in Sept 2024.
We will offer a Spirit Wear Shop that will provide various items for families to purchase and add customization for MYC.
MYC offers opportunities for cheerleaders to join a smaller Performance Cheer Team that performs at local events around town during the Fall and Spring. A showcase team will not be formed during the Fall 2024 season but we will have a performance opportunity
McKinney Youth Tackle Football registration is now open! Late registration starts on 5/15/25 and ends on 6/15/25.
Register for grade as of the 2025-2026 school year. Public and private school students must upload their most recent report card or proof of grade designation during registration. McKinney resident home-schooled students must upload a utility bill and then email a copy of their birth certificate to FootballMSC@gmail.com during registration