General Information

Registration Fees

$250.00 Covers uniform, cheers bows, pom poms, cheer camp shirt and choreography. Items not covered in the registration fee include all white cheer shoes, all white socks, name decals and others. 

Cheer Uniform

MYC will have a mandatory uniform fitting day in May to fit and order all game uniforms for each cheerleader. Game attire will be the full cheer uniform (shell, skirt, briefs), cheer bow, white cheer tennis shoes, no show white socks and cheer buckets.

Mandatory Fitting: May 3rd- 6th (Saturday- Monday): location and time slots will be released to enrolled families only. Please plan to sign up for a slot- first come, first serve.

Cheer Camp

Mandatory cheer camp is held between late July- early August: date, location and time slots will be released in May. Attendance is required. This date is subject to change, you will be notified via email if it does


Will be held on Sunday afternoons for 1 hour. The individual team coaches determine the time and locations in McKinney. Families will be contacted by their coach once squads are finalized. Fall Sideline schedules will not be released until late August.


  • Games are on Saturdays and schedules will be released in August once the tackle football schedules are finalized.
  • Game attendance is mandatory and parents are required to provide transportation to and from games for their cheerleaders. 
  • Game Day locations - Our partner program for tackle football is with TYFL (Texoma Youth Football League). TYFL plans is to host games in clusters from week to week. For example, TYFL games may be hosted in Prosper, Celina & Mckinney one week and the following week the games maybe located in Melissa, Princeton & Anna then the following week- games may be held in Van Alstyne & Sherman. McKinney Sports Connection will be the host site for 3 out of the 8 games for the season. Please see the Stadium sites tab for addresses.
  • Game day entrance fees: all cheerleaders and coaches will be allowed to enter the games for free. However, all family members, parents, siblings and any other spectators attending the game will have to pay an entrance fee at the stadium: (ex. The 2024 season adult entrance fee was $10/ adult/ game). Fees are subject to change on a yearly basis.

Parent Meeting

May 12th via zoom: all enrollees will receive a link and time to our parent meeting where we will discuss in detail the season, any events and expectations. Bring your questions!